PM Youth Laptop Scheme Merit List

Students in Pakistan receive laptops as part of the PM Youth Laptop Scheme. To get a laptop, you must be a student at a public university or college, have good grades, and need financial help. The program makes a list of students who qualify, and those students get a laptop to help them study. Many students have already received laptops through this program, and more will get them in 2024. The Government of Pakistan has taken a commendable step in the schooling quarter by distributing laptops amongst college students enrolled in public instructional institutes. In the 3rd section of the PM Youth Laptop Scheme, about 100,000 laptops have been distributed, focusing on proficient college students nationwide.

PM Youth Laptop Scheme Merit List

The Government of Pakistan has taken a commendable step in the schooling quarter through the distribution of laptops amongst college students enrolled in public instructional institutes. This initiative is done underneath the PM Youth Laptop Scheme, the place eligible students, as per the standards set by way of the Higher Education Commission, obtain this precious equipment for instructional empowerment.


The main topic is the “PM Youth Laptop Scheme” and related information such as:

  • Merit list
  • Eligibility criteria
  • How to apply
  • Benefits
  • Updates for the year 2024


1-Merit list

The PM Youth Laptop Scheme is a program by the Government of Pakistan to help students succeed in their studies. The program gives laptops to students who are enrolled in public universities and colleges and are pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate degrees. This scheme aims to promote digital learning and empower young Pakistanis with the latest technology. By providing laptops, the government wants to bridge the digital divide and enable students to access a vast array of educational resources, ultimately leading to a brighter future for themselves and the country.

You can verify the merit list by following these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the HEC or Prime Minister’s Youth Program
  2. Look for the “PM Youth Laptop Scheme” section
  3. Click on the “Merit List” tab
  4. Enter your CNIC number or registration number
  5. Check if your name is on the list

2-Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the PM Youth Laptop Scheme, students must meet certain criteria. They must be currently enrolled in a public university or college recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), and be pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate degree. Additionally, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or 70% marks in their last exam, and be a citizen of Pakistan or Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Furthermore, students must not have received a laptop under any other government scheme, and must not be a student of a private university or college. Finally, students must be enrolled in a degree program that is recognized by the HEC and must have passed the last exam without any supplementary or failed subjects.

Here are the steps to check the eligibility criteria for the PM Youth Laptop Scheme:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) or the PM Youth Laptop Scheme website.

Step 2: Click on the “Eligibility Criteria” tab or link.

Step 3: Read the eligibility criteria carefully, which includes:

Step 4: Check if you meet all the eligibility criteria.

Step 5: If you meet the criteria, proceed to apply for the scheme.

  1. How to apply

To apply for the PM Youth Laptop Scheme, students can visit the official website of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) or the scheme’s website and click on the “Apply Now” tab. They will need to create an account by providing basic information and then log in to fill out the online application form. The form requires uploading required documents such as CNIC, student ID card, academic transcripts, proof of enrollment, and proof of GPA/marks. Once the form is submitted, students can review and confirm their details. After the application deadline, a merit list will be announced, and selected students will receive an email or notification to collect their laptops from a designated distribution center. It’s important to apply within the specified deadline and follow instructions carefully to avoid errors or disqualification.

Here are the steps to apply for the PM Youth Laptop Scheme:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) or the PM Youth Laptop Scheme website.

Step 2: Click on the “Apply Now” or “Registration” tab.

Step 3: Create an account by providing your basic information, including name, email, and password.

Step 4: Complete the online application form by logging into your account.

Step 5: Provide required documents, including:


* Student ID card

* Academic transcripts

* Proof of enrollment

* Proof of GPA/marks

Step 6: Submit the application form online.

Step 7: Review and confirm your application details.

Step 8: Wait for the merit list to be announced.

Step 9: If selected, receive an email or notification to collect your laptop from the designated distribution center.

  1. Benefits

The PM Youth Laptop Scheme offers numerous benefits to students, empowering them with the latest technology and digital resources. By providing free laptops, the scheme bridges the digital divide, enhances academic performance, and improves employability. Students can access online educational resources, communicate effectively, and stay informed about global events.

Here are the benefits of the PM Youth Laptop Scheme in simple words:

– Technology empowerment

– Better grades

– Job readiness

– Online learning

– Easy communication

– Access to info

– Future job prep

– Fair opportunities

– Country’s growth

– Digital skills

– Research boost

– Online work access

– Creative growth

– Easy online services

  1. Updates for the year 2024

The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme is set to enter its next phase in 2024, aiming to empower talented students with free laptops. To be eligible, students must be Pakistani citizens or AJK nationals enrolled in public sector universities or HEC-recognized degree-awarding institutes. They must have secured at least 60% marks or 2.5 CGPA in their last annual/semester exam. Additionally, students must not have received a laptop in any previous government scheme and must not be employed by any public or private organization. The scheme aims to bridge the digital divide, promote IT skills, and enhance the quality of education, aligning with the government’s vision for a digitally empowered Pakistan.

Here are the updates for the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme 2024 in simple terms:

– Registration is now open for 2024.

– The deadline to apply was March 23, 2024.

– The scheme aims to help students with technology and education.

– To apply, you must:

– Hold citizenship in Pakistan or as an AJK national.

– Be enrolled in a public university or HEC-recognized institute.

– Have at least 60% marks or 2.5 CGPA.

– Not have received a laptop from a government scheme before.

– Not be employed by any organization.


Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme:


Q: Who can apply?

A: Pakistani students enrolled in public sector universities or HEC-recognized institutes.

Q: What’s the minimum GPA requirement?

A: 2.5 CGPA or 60% marks.

Q: How do I apply?

A: Online through the official website.

Q: What’s the application deadline?

A: March 23, 2024.

Q: When will laptops be distributed?

A: After the selection process.

Q: Can I apply if I’m in a private university?

A: No, only public sector universities or HEC-recognized institutes.